Shade Tree Commission

Shade Tree Commission

Tiffany Dolan
Marie MacAdams
Paul Heyne
Ann Robinson-Helwig

856-456-0750 Ext. 103

The Shade Tree Commission was established in July 2009. Over the years, the Commission has continued to oversee regulation, planting and care of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery on any municipal property or park in the Borough. This includes the planting, trimming, care and protection of the trees. Each season, the Commission takes requests from residents that are interested in having a tree planted in front of their home (courtesy of the Commission). If you are interested, please contact the Shade Tree Commission Secretary Todd Twichell at

The Commission recently received Tree City USA status from the Arbor Day Foundation for the 11th consecutive year, in addition to receiving the growth award from the foundation in the past.

Shade Tree Permit Application

Brooklawn Shade Tree Walking Tour