Important Update – Brooklawn Water System

Brooklawn Residents,

We are providing some updates and timelines on the upgrades to our water treatment plant. The dates below are tentative and subject to change, however Brooklawn Borough, Mayor, Public Works and Council are dedicated to meeting or improving these deadlines where possible. 

We are keeping the timeline below for visibility and we will be updating the open items as they are completed and scheduled.

Contractual Requirements and Site Planning:

·                     The contracts and contract documents have been endorsed by the Contractor and the Borough. The contracts have been submitted to the USDA.

·                     Brooklawn Borough, Public Works and members of the USDA will meet in late June for the full pre planning meeting. – This meeting has been scheduled for this week with the USDA. Even though this meeting was delayed, the construction phases have still begun.

o        This has been completed

Major Parts:

·                     The GAC Filter (granular activated carbon) drawing and proposal has been approved and the filter has been ordered. The manufacturer has acknowledged the order and has given us a hard production and delivery timeframe. The filter is expected to ship on January 29th 2025 with roughly 2-3 days delivery time. 

o        Mayor and Council are making efforts with local leadership and elected officials to move up our spot in line for this product. If there is a cancellation or a delay from another customer, the Borough of Brooklawn is requesting that we will be able to take delivery before the end of 2024. 

·                     The upgraded Chlorine Contact Tank has been approved, ordered and has been acknowledged by the manufacturer. This has an estimated lead time of 10-12 weeks from order to delivery so the expected delivery date will be mid to late September 2024. 

Site Preparation and Continuity Plan:

In order to hold the sheer weight of these systems, the existing plant and ground must be modified. The following steps will be taken over the next few months:

·                     Test pits will be dug during the week of June 17th 2024 to find the existing piping and fittings so that the new parts and filtration can tie together seamlessly with the existing infrastructure

o        valves, pipes and fittings will be ordered immediately following this step and they have a very short lead time

o        This stage has been completed. Our engineer and selected contractor have successfully identified the proper fittings to tie our existing system and new system together.  

·                     Drawings and plans have been approved for the concrete and reinforcement steel for the new foundation. 

·                     The milling of the existing pavement will take place at the end of June/Early July – weather permitting

o        This stage has been completed and old concrete has been demolished. 

o        New reinforced concrete has been poured and has set

·                     A custom Chlorine Feed Shed has been designed and will be produced to coincide with the delivery of the Chlorine Tank listed above, this is expected in Mid September 2024.

·                     The construction of the plant bypass piping to allow the plant to remain functional all summer while the work is progressing will begin in July 2024 and is expected to be completed by the end of July 2024, weather permitting

o        This work has not yet begun. Due to weather and a small hiccup with the existing piping – this has been delayed. This process will start the week of August 26th and will have no impact on the final completion date of the project. This also impacts the subsurface piping mentioned in the next bullet point. 

·                     All proposed subsurface piping for the GAC system and chlorine contact tank will begin in July 2024 and is expected to be completed by early August 2024.

·                     The reinforced concrete foundation for the GAC system, Chlorine Contact Tank and Shed will be laid in Mid August and requires 14 days of curing time to be deemed ready to hold the weight of the filtration systems

o        This has been completed

  • After approval of the foundation, we are expecting the arrival of the Chlorine Tank and Shed in Mid September 2024, at which time, these will be installed and ready for the installation of the GAC Filter. Its estimated that the installation of these two items will complete in mid to late October, weather permitting

·                     Lastly, assuming all dates have been met and the GAC filter arrives during the final few days of January 2024, we are expecting a go live date of late February 2025.

As always, thank you for your support. 

**Feel free to contact the Borough Administrator Ryan Giles at or Superintendent of Public Works Michael Ostrom at with any questions or concerns